简介: 28岁的博士生奥玛(奥玛尔·梅特瓦利 Omar Metwally 饰)决定撰写一本关于作家裘洛斯·关德的传记小说,他的前程和事业均紧紧的与这本小说相连着。据相关记载,裘洛斯早已经自杀身亡,他的哥哥亚当(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)、妻子卡洛琳(劳拉·琳妮 Laura L
简介: A mysterious man, Dean, returns to his hometown of Grimsby after many years abroad in the Army. His arrival is met with animosity, particularly from
简介: A lovable dog named Bandit starts stealing cash to help his adopted family, he unwittingly sets them on a collision course with his dangerous ex-par
简介: After the accident, Rebecca discovers herself in a very different world than she remembers. Plagued by her patchy memory and self-doubt she fends fo