简介: 《新兵正传II》(英文名:Ah Boys To Men 2)是2013年的一部新加坡贺岁电影,由梁智强执导及编剧,此片是荣登了新加坡影史上最卖座的华语片《新兵正传》下集,将在2013年2月1日上映。 Ken很快地成为了一个有上进心的新兵,并与搭档罗邦起了冲突,过后也将上演成极暴力的争执。他的其
简介: Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politic
简介: Exuberant CHLOE is a whirlwind of energy who acts purely on impulse and has never quite grown up. Industrious JEFF is a hard-working guy who plans h